Kahaani 2 has seen fair collections on Day One as Rs. 4.25 crores came in. This is actually pretty much on the expected lines as the buzz was just about decent for the film which didn’t quite see great hype enroute release. Considering the fact that the film was coming off the super success of Kahaani, there could have been much more heat generated but that was not really the case. Nonetheless, the collections are still decent to begin with and it would all boil down to how the footfalls increase today and tomorrow.
When compared to the opening day of films belonging to similar genre (suspense dramatic thrillers) that have released in 2016, this is how Kahaani 2 stands:
Wazir – Rs. 5.57 crores
Kahaani 2 – Rs. 4.25 crores
TE3N – Rs. 2.61 crores
Madaari – Rs. 2.25 crores
The film has seen mixed range of reviews which have ranged from average to very good. Though the film doesn’t have as high impact as Sujoy Ghosh’s last, Kahaani, it is not the kind which would be ignored either. There are ingredients in the film which promise a good viewing but for that the word of mouth needs to spread really fast. The film gains from the fact that there is not much of a competition from anything around it and if there are enhanced footfalls today with increase in collections by 30% – 40%, it would lead to a healthy weekend overall.
Dear Zindagi brought in Rs. 2.25 crores more on its second Friday. It is clearly slowing down after a good first five days and now stands at Rs. 49.25 crores. Ideally, the Rs. 50 crore mark should have been surpassed in the first week itself. Considering the fact that there is no major film running alongside and there are good number of shows still reserved for it in the second week, the Gauri Shinde directed affair should have been even more stable. Though at one point in time it had seemed that Rs. 70 crores would be a possibility for the film, currently it seems that Alia Bhatt and Shahrukh Khan starrer would be aiming at Rs. 65 crores.
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